特 集・高山域の昆虫類:多様性と系統・進化
Alpine insects: diversity, phylogeny, and evolution
東城 幸治
General remarks: Current status of alpine entomology:”Sky Islands” as significant laboratories of biological evolution
Koji Tojo
中谷 貴壽・宇佐美 真一 他
Phylogeographic history of the Japanese alpine butterflies:inferred from molecular phylogenetic analysis
Takatoshi Nakatani, Shin-ichi Usami et al.
宇佐美 真一・西尾 信哉
Molecular phylogeny of the alpine butterfly Oeneis norna:Implications for conservation of the Yatsugatake subspecies, O. norna sugitanii
Shin-ichi Usami, Shinya Nishio
岸本 年郎
Entomological faunal survey of the alpine zone of the Minami-Alps, Shizuoka Prefecture
Toshio Kishimoto
四方 圭一郎
Clarification of alpine moth fauna and introduction of the current status of the habitat in the mountains of central Honshu, Japan
Kei-ichiro Shikata
竹中 將起・渡邊 通人・東城 幸治
Phylogenetic evolution of the alpine grasshopper Podisma:Endemic subspecies of Mt. Fuji
Masaki Takenaka, Michihito Watanabe, Koji Tojo
鈴木 啓久
Phylogenetic,evolutionary and ecological studies of alpine caddisfly
Hirohisa Suzuki
○連載 中国産オサムシ類に関する知見(42)四川省徳格县の高所から発見されたドウガネオサムシの1新種
井村 有希
Contribution to the knowledge of carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from China (42):
A new Rhigocarabus from the high mountain range of Dege Xian, Northwest Sichuan
Yûki Imura
○報文 養蜂業
鈴木 一
The beekeeping
Hajime Suzuki
○INSECTS REPORTS チョウ類のベイツ型擬態に関わる3つの擬態形質の獲得メカニズムとスーパージーン
古俣 慎也
Mechanisms of acquiring the three mimetic traits and supergenes in Batesian mimicry of Papilio butterflies
Shinya Komata