阿部 芳久
General remarks: Developing entomological science
Yoshihisa Abe
後藤 慎介
Chronobiology in the Antarctic midge
Shin G. Goto
清水 加耶
Insect-plant interactions in Bornean tropical rainforest – an ant-plant mutualism and herbivorous insects
Usun Shimizu-kaya
山下 恵
Exploring outbreaks of the forest pest Lymantria dispar from satellite
Megumi Yamashita
武田 征士
Gall: transition from source to sink organs in plants
Seiji Takeda
平林 公男・高橋 弘良
Occurrence of blackflies and plans for their control in the upper reaches of the Ukawa River
Kimio Hirabayashi, Hiroyoshi Takahashi
田口 正男
Did Sinictinogomphus chavatus fly the dragonfly road in the metropolitan area? Masao Taguchi
○INSECTS REPORTS アブラムシの概日時計と孵化リズム
松田 直樹
Circadian clock and hatching rhythm of the aphid
Naoki Matsuda