岡本 聖矢・東城 幸治
Altitudinal zonation mechanism of aquatic insects
Seiya Okamoto, Koji Tojo
平 祥和
Niche separation among Rhyacophila species (Trichoptera; Rhyacophilidae)
Akikazu Taira
渡部 晃平
Studies of lotic aquatic insects using captive breeding
Kohei Watanabe
青柳 正人・小西 和彦
Aquatic Hymenoptera, the genus Agiotypus inhabiting in mountain streams
Masato Aoyagi, Kazuhiko Konishi
○報文 絶滅危惧種イシガキニイニイの現状と鳴音に基づく種識別アプリの開発
立田 晴記 他
Assessing the endangered cicada Planopleura albivannata:Development of a mobile application for species discrimination based on calling songs
Haruki Tatsuta et al.
○連載 未来の昆虫学者たち(8)
つくば市立みどりの学園義務教育学校 岩本和真さん
Entomologists of the future (8)Kazuma Iwamoto
Midorinogakuen Compulsory Education School
○INSECTS REPORTS 地形が生み出す山地水域の生物多様性
高岡 貞夫
The role of landforms in shaping biodiversity in mountain aquatic habitats Sadao Takaoka