特 集・地表性甲虫の形態多様化
Morphological diversification in ground beetles
曽田 貞滋
General remarks: Morphological diversification in ground beetles —Studies involving genomics approaches
Teiji Soda
小沼 順二
Adaptive radiation and its genetic basis in snail-feeding beetles
Junji Konuma
野村 翔太
Gene expression profiling in the coevolution of male and female genitalia in Carabus (Ohomopterus) beetles
Shota Nomura
夏 天・高見 泰興
Reproductive character displacement in genital morphologies and speciation in Ohomopterus ground beetles
Tian Xia, Yasuoki Takami
荒木 祥文
How the geographic color variation of Phelotrupes auratus occurred
Yoshifumi Araki
○連載 農業に関わる昆虫(2)海外からやってくる害虫たち(1)
野村 昌史
Insects in agriculture(2) Pest insects coming from overseas (1) Masashi Nomura
○INSECTS REPORTS 夏の森で赤トンボを探索する―ナツアカネ未成熟成虫による森林利用の予備的調査―
東川 航
Searching for darters (meadowhawks) spending in the summer forests:preliminary survey for the forest use by Sympetrum darwinianum immature adults
Wataru Higashikawa
○INSECTS REPORTS アキアカネは猛暑で山を下らなくなったか?
田口 正男
Did Sympetrum frequense stop going down the mountain due to the extreme heat? Masao Taguchi